Friday, September 1, 2017

Zimmer Creek Road, La Salle Parish (2017 part 2)

   A summary of sightings from my "Zimmer Creek Road (and side roads)" birding route in La Salle Parish, from 7/14, 7/16, 8/1, 8/14. On each visit I birded during the morning, along Fount Cutoff Road (about 0.75 of a mile) and the part of Zimmer Creek Road from junction w/ Fount Cutoff to south end of ZC Rd at Hwy 84 (for a total of 5 miles), though on two visits I drove it from south to north (I'd typically bird it from north to south). For additional details of location, see introduction part of Zimmer Creek Road, La Salle Parish (2017 part 1).
   A few habitat shots, from north to south:
Fount Cutoff Road
looking back up Zimmer Creek Road at first bridge -- Eastern Screech-Owl heard near this spot
ZC Road at Northern Bobwhite spot
ZC Road
ZC Road at Zimmer Creek -- the clearing in the background on the right is the new cutover that was being logged during this June and July
ZC Road at Worm-eating Warbler and Wood Thrush spot
looking back up the road from near the south end
   I added a few new species to the location list during the four visits during this period, including Northern Bobwhite, Little Blue Heron, Eastern Screech-Owl, House Finch.
   As breeding season fades, territorial singing drops off and, so, many passerine birds become more difficult to detect.


Northern Bobwhite --          7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 2,  8/1 - 1,  8/14 - 1
 Heard twice in the video below, along with Blue Grosbeak, Swainson's Warbler (calls), Northern Cardinal (calls), Indigo Bunting, and American Crow.

Great Blue Heron --             7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 1,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 0
Great Egret --                       7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 0,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 1
Little Blue Heron --              7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 0,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 1
white egret/heron sp. --          7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 0,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 2

Turkey Vulture --                  7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 0,  8/1 - 2,  8/14 - 8
Mississippi Kite --                 7/14/17 - 0,  7/17 - 0,  8/1 - 1,  8/14 - 0
Red-tailed Hawk --               7/14/17 - 0,  7/17 - 0,  8/1 - 1,  8/14 - 0

Mourning Dove --                 7/14/17 - 4,  7/16 - 5,  8/1 - 7,  8/14 - 13
Mourning Dove

Yellow-billed Cuckoo --        7/14/17 - 2,  7/16 - 1,  8/1 - 4,  8/14 - 1

Eastern Screech-Owl --        7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 0,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 1

Chimney Swift --                   7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 4,  8/1 - 4,  8/14 - 2

Belted Kingfisher --              7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 0,  8/1 - 1,  8/14 -

Red-headed Woodpecker -- 7/14/17 - 1,  7/16 - 0,  8/1 - 1,  8/14 - 0
Red-bellied Woodpecker -- 7/14/17 - 2,  7/16 - 4,  8/1 - 2,  8/14 - 3
Hairy Woodpecker --           7/14/17 - 1,  7/16 - 2,  8/1 - 1,  8/14 - 1
female-type Hairy Woodpecker -- 7/16
male Hairy Woodpecker -- 7/14

Northern Flicker --              7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 2,  8/1 - 2,  8/14 - 0
Pileated Woodpecker --       7/14/17 - 1,  7/16 - 2,  8/1 - 5,    8/14 - 3

Eastern Wood-Pewee --       7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 1,  8/1 - 1,   8/14 - 0
Acadian Flycatcher --          7/14/17 - 3,  7/16 - 1,  8/1 - 1,   8/14 - 1
Great Crested Flycatcher -- 7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 1,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 0
Eastern Kingbird --              7/14/17 - 5,  7/16 - 5,  8/1 - 3,  8/14 - 5

White-eyed Vireo --              7/14/17 - 9,  7/16 - 11,  8/1 - 9,  8/14 - 0
Red-eyed Vireo --                  7/14/17 - 4,  7/16 - 6,  8/1 - 4,  8/14 - 4

Blue Jay --                             7/14/17 - 8,  7/16 - 9,  8/1 - 9,  8/14 - 12
American Crow --                7/14/17 - 8,  7/16 - 16,  8/1 - 8,   8/14 - 8

Purple Martin --                   7/14/17 - 1,  7/16 - 2,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 0
Barn Swallow --                    7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 4,  8/1 - 6,  8/14 - 0

Carolina Chickadee --          7/14/17 - 7,  7/16 - 5,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 2
Tufted Titmouse --                7/14/17 - 3,  7/16 - 5,  8/1 - 4,  8/14 - 5

Carolina Wren --                  7/14/17 - 10,  7/16 - 16,  8/1 - 24,  8/14 - 28
Carolina Wren
Carolina Wren

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher --    7/14/17 - 1,  7/16 - 3,  8/1 - 3,  8/14 - 1

Eastern Bluebird --             7/14/17 - 4,  7/16 - 8,  8/1 - 2,  8/14 - 12
Wood Thrush --                  7/14/17 - 1,  7/16 - 2,  8/1 - 3,  8/14 - 1
Wood Thrush
 Wood Thrush heard singing in video below:

Northern Mockingbird --  7/14/17 - 3,  7/16 - 3,  8/1 - 1,  8/14 - 0

Worm-eating Warbler --   7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 0,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 2
WE Warbler heard singing twice in video below:

Swainson's Warbler --       7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 2,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 0
Common Yellowthroat --  7/14/17 - 2,  7/16 - 2,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 0
Hooded Warbler --            7/14/17 - 13,  7/16 - 9,  8/1 - 7,  8/14 - 13
Pine Warbler --                 7/14/17 - 2,  7/16 - 0,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 7
juvenile Pine Warbler -- 8/14
Prairie Warbler --            7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 1,  8/1 - 1,  8/14 - 2
female-type Prairie Warbler -- 8/14

Eastern Towhee --            7/14/17 - 4,  7/16 - 1,  8/1 - 4,   8/14 - 6

Yellow-breasted Chat --   7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 2,  8/1 - 1,  8/14 - 0

Summer Tanager --         7/14/17 - 1,  7/16 - 1,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 0
Northern Cardinal --      7/14/17 - 14,  7/16 - 16,  8/1 - 24,  8/14 - 11
Blue Grosbeak --             7/14/17 - 9,  7/16 - 8,  8/1 - 11,  8/14 - 5
Indigo Bunting --             7/14/17 - 8,  7/16 - 14,  8/1 - 9,  8/14 - 7
Painted Bunting --           7/14/17 - 0,  7/16 - 0,  8/1 - 1,  8/14 - 0

Brown-headed Cowbird -- 7/14/17 - 1,  7/16 - 0,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 0

House Finch --                    7/14/17 - 1,  7/16 - 0,  8/1 - 0,  8/14 - 0

A few notes...
   The Great Egret and Great Blue Heron sightings were at a large pond by some houses. The Little Blue Heron flew in and landed in tree at the far side of a cutover that ends at some creekbottom hardwoods -- there could have been some swampy rain pools back there. "White Egret" were distant flybys, poorly seen. I heard the Bobwhite (2 on the first occasion) at the same location each time, and saw him the final time (though he got into cover before I snapped a photo). The House Finch was heard as a flyover at junction of ZC Rd and Fount Cutoff -- not too far from human habitation of nearby Summerville community. Many individual songbirds -- especially many individuals of the warblers -- weren't detected by singing, but by calls or seen foraging. The Worm-eating Warbler, recorded singing in video, was originally heard calling (2 individuals) distant from the road and I used audio for a moment to see if I could get it to come in closer, or sing, or come in where I could see it, to confirm the i.d.  They were across the road from where I'd heard/seen them on other visits this Summer.  

Beyond birds...
   There just wasn't a whole heck of a lot going on compared to the time covered in the previous post. One exception was that White-tailed Deer were seen 3 out of 4 visits.
White-tailed Deer doe
White-tailed Deer doe
A few butterfly species were seen, including the Confused Cloudywings which I'd been seeing in previous weeks. Others included Horace's Duskywing, Cloudless Sulphur, Little Yellow, Gulf Fritillary. (So, basically the expected stuff)

Confused Cloudywing nectaring on Blazingstar (Liatris) -- Fount Cutoff, 7/16/17
Not much new in the way of wildflowers -- mostly same species seen in later part of the period covered in the previous post.

   What will September hold?...

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