Thursday, June 29, 2017

Breeding Bird Survey -- Frogmore route, 2017

Snowy Egret -- Ames Road, Concordia Parish
   The Frogmore route in northern and central Concordia Parish, which I surveyed on June 9, starts just south of the Tensas River at the junction of Bob Rife Road and hwy 566 between Clayton and Dunbarton...
highway 566 east of Dunbarton
...continues west then south along hwy 566...
looking south along hwy 566 at Dunbarton church

hwy 566 south of Dunbarton
...down through Frogmore and Stacy area on Hwy 84...
Hwy 84 at Frogmore
...south along highway 129...
hwy 129 south of Stacy
...takes Ames and Gallup Roads as a reprieve from the highways...
Ames Road
Gallup Road

Gallup Road north of Lismore
...and ends south of hwy 565 in the Lismore area. This entire region is rather flat -- the land of patchy bottomland hardwoods, cypress brakes, and seemingly endless soybean fields. For those not familiar with BBS procedure, it's 50 stops at half-mile intervals (same spots each year), birds are counted for three minutes at each stop.

   It was nice to hear Northern Bobwhite again on this route, as I did in 2015. There were two calling at one of the stops about 2 miles south of Dunbarton church (small field on west side of highway before woods and houses). Video below (one can be heard clearly, calling a couple of times, the second individual is calling in the background, almost lost among the other birds singing):

   Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks, once again, were present as flyovers at several stops. Black-crowned Night-Heron was seen as flyover at two stops. There was a pair of Red-headed Woodpeckers at Frogmore (I think these were my first Red-headed seen on this route).
   The route passes through more wooded areas south of Frogmore along highway 129 and Ames Road, and here is where I heard the morning's four Swainson's Warblers and one Hooded Warbler. At my second-to-last stop a fellow stopped his pick-up truck to chat and mentioned that there are, or at least have been in recent years, Bald Eagles nesting in the vicinity of Black River Lake and Horseshoe/Cocodrie Lake, both nearby.
   After finishing the BBS, I stopped by the west end of the power substation at the junction of hwy 3037 and Hwy 84 just west of Jonesville (Catahoula Parish) to check for Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. I didn't see any, though I only stopped for a moment and there was mowing going on. Some breeding seasons, a pair can be found at this location, and it's become my tradition to check for them after completing the Frogmore count.
   The reason for such a delay between doing the BBS and posting this blog entry was that I wanted to tally up the number of individuals of each species over the course of the entire route and include that info here. Well, ...I still haven't done that, but wanted to go ahead and do this entry before posting new material. So, here's the list of birds seen and heard along the entire Frogmore BBS route on 6/9/17. I'll come back and add the number of individuals in the future. 

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck -
Northern Bobwhite -
Anhinga -
Great Blue Heron -
Great Egret -
Snowy Egret -
Snowy Egret, Ames Road
Little Blue Heron -
Cattle Egret -
Green Heron -
Black-crowned Night-Heron -
White Ibis -
Turkey Vulture -
Mississippi Kite -
Red-shouldered Hawk -
Red-tailed Hawk -
Killdeer -
Eurasian Collared-Dove -
Mourning Dove -
Yellow-billed Cuckoo -
Chimney Swift -
Ruby-throated Hummingbird -
Red-headed Woodpecker -
Red-bellied Woodpecker -
Downy Woodpecker -
Pileated Woodpecker -
Eastern Wood-Pewee -
Acadian Flycatcher -
Great Crested Flycatcher -
Great Crested Flycatcher, Frogmore
Eastern Kingbird -
Eastern Kingbird, Gallup Road
Loggerhead Shrike -
White-eyed Vireo -
Red-eyed Vireo -
Blue Jay -
American Crow -
Purple Martin -
Barn Swallow -
Carolina Chickadee -
Tufted Titmouse -
Carolina Wren -
Eastern Bluebird -
Wood Thrush -
Northern Mockingbird -
European Starling -
Prothonotary Warbler -
Swainson's Warbler -
Kentucky Warbler -
Common Yellowthroat -
Hooded Warbler -
Northern Parula -
Yellow-breasted Chat -
Eastern Towhee -
Summer Tanager -
Northern Cardinal -
Blue Grosbeak -
Indigo Bunting -
Painted Bunting -
Dickcissel -
Red-winged Blackbird -
Red-winged Blackbird (male)
Eastern Meadowlark -
Common Grackle -
Brown-headed Cowbird -
Orchard Oriole -
House Sparrow - 

Ames Road, Concordia Parish

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