Saturday, August 15, 2020

Catahoula NWR, 2020 pt. 1: January, February, March

Headquarters Unit entrance - 2/15/2020
-Related Posts-
Catahoula NWR 2019:

   Below are lists for Birds, Mammals, Herps, and Butterflies detected on Catahoula NWR during the period of January 1 - March 31, 2020. The birds are separated by Unit, the other lists are all Units lumped together. Details of time, distance, weather, etc. are given for each date; habitat shots for each Unit.

Headquarters Unit
-habitat shots-
north end of Duck Lake - 2/15



9:33 a.m.; 3 hrs, 52 mins; 5.4 miles
49-64 F.; sunny; breeze; water level marker at north end of Duck Lake showed approx. 35.5'

9:36 a.m.; 2 hrs, 57 mins; 2.8 miles
72-77 F.; mixed/variable/cloudy sky; light wind; wet, puddles from previous couple of day's rain; water level marker at north end of Duck Lake showed approx. 36.6'


2:22 pm; 3 hrs, 13 mins; 7.4 miles
73-77-69 F.; sunny; southwest breeze, calm at end; water high, rising, over road at a spot on south leg of loop, I turned around

7:56 a.m.; 1 hr, 32 mins; 2.4 miles
38-46 F.; sun at start, then generally cloudy most of time; near calm, light breeze; water high and rising


1:50 p.m.; 1 hr; 1.2 miles; 3 observers
~67 F.; clear; light breeze; water high, over road to north end of Duck Lake, that and the part of loop south of nature trail head closed, gated

8:06 a.m.; 1 hr, 33 mins; 1.4 miles
66 F.; overcast, sun breaking through towards end; near calm; water high but dropping, much of loop still closed

11:35 a.m.; 1 hr, 50 mins;  2.1 miles (including ~0.5 miles on nature trail)
63-64 F.; mostly overcast, some partial sun; moderately windy; water still high, but falling; most of refuge loop closed because of high water.


months separated by '/'
'x' = species detected but numbers not determined

Snow Goose - 358, x  /  0, x  /  0, 0, 0
Wood Duck - 0, 5  /  12, 5  /  4, 1, 0
Blue-winged Teal - 0, 0  /  0, 0  /  27, 155, 8
Gadwall - 11, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 0, 0
Mallard - 70, 21  /  85, 30  / 0, 0, 0
Northern Pintail - 15, 0  /  0, 0  / 0, 0, 0
Canvasback - 7, 4  /  1, 1  /  0, 0, 0
female Canvasback -- 1/15/20
Ring-necked Duck - 4, 0  /  0, 0  / 0, 0, 0
duck sp. - 45, 27  /  0, 0  /  0, 0, 0
Mourning Dove - 1, 2  /  0, 0  /  0, 5, 5
Killdeer - 0, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 1, 0
Forster's Tern - 0, 1  /  0, 0  /  0, 0, 0
Forster's Tern at Duck Lake, HQ Unit - 1/15/20
Forster's Tern - 1/15/20, same in video below

Neotropic Cormorant - 0, 0  /  1, 0  /  0, 0, 0
Neotropic Cormorant -- Cowpen Bayou on HQ Unit, _
Double-crested Cormorant - 2, 206  /  10, 12  /  0, 0, 0
American White Pelican - 5, 0  /  5, 0  /  0, 0, 0
Great Blue Heron - 3, 1  /  0, 0  /  1, 1, 1
Great Egret - 1, 2  /  3, 0  /  1, 7, 6
Little Blue Heron - 0, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 3 (FOS), 0
Black Vulture - 4, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 0, 0
Turkey Vulture - 3, 7  /  5, 8  /  2, 0, 2
Bald Eagle - 0, 2  /  0, 0  /  0, 0, 0
Red-shouldered Hawk - 1, 5  /  0, 0  /  0, 1, 1
Barred Owl - 2, 0  /  0, 0  /  1, 0, 0
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 1, 0  /  2, 1  /  1, 0, 0
Red-headed Woodpecker - 1, 1  /  0, 1  /  0, 1, 0
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 10, 7  /  9, 8  /  1, 6, 2
Downy Woodpecker - 9, 5  /  0, 7  /  1, 2, 2
Hairy Woodpecker - 0, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 1, 1
Pileated Woodpecker - 4, 2  /  4, 2  /  1, 1, 1
Northern Flicker - 5, 3  /  1, 4  /  0, 2, 0
Eastern Phoebe - 9, 6  /  1, 5  /  1, 0, 0
Eastern Phoebe - 1/8/20
White-eyed Vireo - 0, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 1 (FOS singing), 6
Blue-headed Vireo - 1, 0  /  0, 0  / 0, 0, 0
Yellow-throated Vireo - 0, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 0, 1
Blue Jay - 5, 4  /  0, 4  /  2, 8, 3
American Crow - 10, 19  /  6, 6  /  2, 4, 3
Carolina Chickadee - 17, 9  /  17, 11  /  2, 11, 7
Tufted Titmouse - 10, 1  /  5, 6  /  1, 6, 12
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 1, 0  /  0, 2  /  0, 0, 0
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 16, 10  /  0, 5  /  1, 6, 2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 2, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 0, 3
House Wren - 0, 1  /  0, 0  /  0, 0, 0
Carolina Wren - 9, 10  /  12, 9  /  1, 5, 8
Eastern Bluebird - 3, 1  /  1, 1  /  1, 2, 0
Hermit Thrush - 1, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 0, 0
American Robin - 12, 13  /  9, 40  /  0, 0, 0
American Goldfinch - 9, 3  /  1, 13  /  0, 0, 0
Chipping Sparrow - 40, 1  /  4, 2  /  10, 0, 0
Field Sparrow - 0, 0  /  0, 1  /  0, 0, 0
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) - 3, 2  /  6, 1  /  0, 0, 0
White-throated Sparrow - 15, 15  /  10, 12  /  0, 8, 5
Savannah Sparrow - 2, 3  /  1, 0  /  0, 0, 0
Song Sparrow - 2, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 0, 0
Swamp Sparrow - 2, 0  /  0, 1  /  0, 1, 0
Eastern Towhee - 0, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 1, 0
Red-winged Blackbird - 100, 20  /  0, 150  /  0, 100, 0
Brown-headed Cowbird - 0, 0  /  0, 7  /  0, 3, 0
Common Grackle - 60, 1  /  x, 355  /  0, 20, 0
blackbird sp. - 0, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 0, 10
Black-and-white Warbler - 0, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 0, 1
Prothonotary Warbler - 0, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 0, 3
Orange-crowned Warbler - 3, 1  /  1, 0  /  0, 1, 0
Common Yellowthroat - 0, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 0, 1
Northern Parula - 0, 0  /  0, 0  /  0, 1, 5
Pine Warbler - 3, 2  /  2, 4  /  0, 0, 0
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) - 27, 12  /  12, 11  /  0(!), 1, 0
Northern Cardinal - 15, 7  /  13, 14  /  2, 13, 9

Willow Lake Unit

3 observers; 2:53 pm; 13 minutes; stationary count at entrance to Willow Lake Rd just off US-84, water over road beyond that.
Willow Lake Unit entrance - 3/6/2020
Barred Owl - 1, Carolina Chickadee - 1, Carolina Wren - 1, American Goldfinch - 2, Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) - 1

Bushley Bayou Unit

habitat shots


Green's Creek - 2/2

9:35 a.m.; 4 hrs, 34 mins; 2.6 miles
55 - ~73 F.; sunny; calm, some light breeze; water high, up along edge of road for ~0.25 miles around fork of Minnow Ponds Rd, Trail, and Dry Bayou Rd.; water over Dry Bayou Rd a little ways beyond Rhinehart Lake Trail, where I turned around

9:56 a.m.; 2 hrs; 0.6 miles
66-60 F. (cool front passage); overcast; light wind out of ~ north
Drove Minnow Ponds Rd, with a few stops, from LA-8 to access to shallow water impoundments (0.4 miles) then about 0.2 miles walking on levee of impoundments; most of the time was spent on foot

Blue-winged Teal - 0, 1
Ring-necked Duck - 61, 0
Hooded Merganser - 4, 0
Pied-billed Grebe - 2, 3
Mourning Dove - 1, 3
Virginia Rail - 0, 2 (I saw where the species had been reported at this location on eBird; I used playback in area mentioned in report--impoundments--and got response)
Killdeer - 8, 1
Wilson's Snipe - 0, 38
Wilson's Snipe - 3/15
Greater Yellowlegs - 7, 0
Double-crested Cormorant - 2, 2
Great Blue Heron - 2, 2
Great Egret - 4, 7
Little Blue Heron - 0, 2
White Ibis - 0, 78
White Ibises -- 3/15
Black Vulture - 1, 0
Turkey Vulture - 11, 13
Bald Eagle - 0, 1
adult Bald Eagle - 3/15
Sharp-shinned/Cooper's Hawk - 1, 0
Red-shouldered Hawk - 4, 1
Red-tailed Hawk - 1, 0
Belted Kingfisher - 1, 2
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 1, 0
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3, 1
Downy Woodpecker - 2, 3
Pileated Woodpecker - 2, 1
Northern Flicker - 2, 1
Eastern Phoebe - 5, 1
Blue-headed Vireo - 1, 0
Blue Jay - 4, 5
American Crow - 5, 3
Carolina Chickadee - 12, 1

Tufted Titmouse - 5, 3
Horned Lark - 0, 1
Purple Martin - 0, 3
Barn Swallow - 0, 7
swallow sp. - 0, 1 (Cliff or Northern Rough-winged?)
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 5, 0
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 2/2/20
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 8, 4
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 0, 1
House Wren - 2, 1
Sedge Wren - 1, 1
Carolina Wren - 4, 4
Northern Mockingbird - 0, 1
Eastern Bluebird - 1, 2
American Robin - 1, 1
American Pipit - 1, 0
Cedar Waxwing - 0, 2
American Goldfinch - 3, 3
Chipping Sparrow - 2, 0
White-throated Sparrow - 13, 3
Savannah Sparrow - 5, 1

Savannah Sparrow - Bushley Bayou Unit, 2/2/20
Song Sparrow - 6, 4
Song Sparrow - Bushley Bayou Unit, 2/2/20
Swamp Sparrow - 5, 3
Eastern Towhee - 2, 4
Red-winged Blackbird - 2, 100
Brown-headed Cowbird - 0, 3
Orange-crowned Warbler - 3, 1
Orange-crowned Warbler - 2/2/20
Common Yellowthroat - 3, 1
Pine Warbler - 3, 3
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 4, 2
Northern Cardinal - 9, 4

Other Wildlife (all units of CNWR)

Horace's/Juvenal's Duskywing
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Red-banded Hairstreak
Cloudless Sulphur
Pearl Crescent
Red Admiral
Goatweed Leafwing
Goatweed Leafwing - Bushley Bayou Unit, 2/2/20

Eastern Fox Squirrel

Spring Peeper
Cajun Chorus Frog
 (video: Cajun Chorus Frog calls -- HQ Unit, 1/15/20)

Cope's Gray Treefrog
Green Treefrog - HQ Unit on 3/15
Squirrel Treefrog - HQ Unit on 3/15
Blanchard's Cricket Frog - HQ & BB Units on 3/15
Southern Leopard Frog
 (video: So. Leopard Frog calls -- Bushley Bayou Unit, 2/2/20)

North American Racer
North American Racer - HQ Unit, 3/15
Southern or Banded Watersnake
Southern Watersnake - fresh roadkill, HQ Unit, 3/15
Pond Slider
juvenile Pond Slider -- Bushley Bayou Unit, 2/2/20
    The post for Catahoula NWR birds April-May will be up shortly.


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