Gray Looper Moth |
February, March, and April of this year have provided a lot of encounters with moths that are new to me, as well as some familiar species, so I thought it would be fun to do a series of posts showing the photos of the moths I encounter. Here's the first.
** I'm an amateur whose been learning moths for a
couple of years, so there's a healthy dose of self doubt, especially
concerning the i.d.s of some of the less distinctive species. Those that I have some uncertainty about are marked with a "(?)"
indicating tentative i.d. A number of moths I saw and photographed
during this period I haven't been able to work out a probable i.d. for,
so those will hopefully be included in one of the future "Moths 2017"
The moths on this list were found in La Salle Parish, unless otherwise noted. The great majority of those were found in the upland part of the parish (with the vegetation types that comes with) and largely near human habitation (so artificial plantings including exotic sp., native water-dependent veg around ponds, etc.), with the exception of those noted as being from Catahoula NWR, which is a generally bottomland hardwoods area with bodies of water and open levees and so forth.
The moths are listed in chronological order, based on the first date I got a photo. Many were also seen on additional dates, which are listed after the species name, if I recorded the dates.
Of course, if anyone has corrections or suggestions please let me know.
Feb. 17:
Little White Lichen Moth (Clemensia albata)
Little White Lichen Moth |
Black-dotted Ruddy Moth (Ilexia intractata) -- 2/18 (2), 2/21
Black-dotted Ruddy Moth |
Black-dotted Ruddy Moth |
Black-dotted Ruddy Moth |
Feb. 18:
The Wedgling (Galgula partita) -- 3/8, 3/17 (2), 3/18, 3/21, 4/10 (ovipositing -- see photo), and probably other dates.
The Wedgling --male (3/18) |
The Wedgling -- worn individual |
The Wedgling -- ovipositing female (4/10) |
Common Oak Moth (Phoberia atomaris) --
Common Oak Moth |
Common Oak Moth |
Feb. 24:
Curve-toothed Geometer (Eutrapela clemataria) -- 4/7
Curve-toothed Geometer |
Curve-toothed Geometer |
Curve-toothed Geometer -- 4/7 - this individual from the later date was noticeably darker, browner |
Alternate Woodling Moth (Egira alternans) --
Alternate Woodling |
Vetch Looper (Caenurgia chloropha) --3/17 (La Salle Parish), 3/30 (Grant Parish)
Vetch Looper |
Vetch Looper |
Celery Leaftier (Udea rubigalis) -- 3/20
Celery Leaftier |
Feb 27:
Pygmy Paectes (Paectes pygmaea) -- 3/8, 3/17, 3/24 (2)
Pygmy Paectes |
Pygmy Paectes |
Pygmy Paectes |
March 5:
Juniper Geometer (Patalene olyzonaria) --
Juniper Geometer |
Juniper Geometer |
Common Eupithecia Moth (Eupithecia miserulata) 2 -- 3/6
Common Eupithecia |
I believe this is also Common Eupithecia - both found at same time and place |
The Batman Moth (Coelostathma discopunctana) -- 3/9, 3/10, 3/17
The Batman |
The Batman |
The Batman, photo taken through window |
March 6:
Horrid Zale (Zale horrida) --
Horrid Zale |
March 8:
Nessus Sphinx (Amphion floridensis) -- and one or two more dates at same location
Nessus Sphinx |
The Nessus Sphinx is one of the hummingbird-like sphinxes. Brief video below of it buzzing around the azaleas.
Baltimore Bomolocha (Hypena baltimoralis) --
Baltimore Bomolocha |
Baltimore Bomolocha |
Lunate Zale (Zale lunata) --
Lunate Zale |
March 9:
Smith's Darkwing Moth (Gondysia smithii, aka Dysgonia smithii) -- Apparently, it's one of the more uncommon species that I was lucky enough to encounter during this period. NCGR: G4
Smith's Darkwing |
Smith's Darkwing |
Discolored Renia Moth (Renia discoloralis) --
Discolored Renia -- this species, and some moths which were probably this species, were seen many times in the area. I still need to sort out the i.d.s of some photos of moths in this family. Additional similar-looking species may be in those pics. |
Ambiguous Moth (Lascoria ambigualis) --
Ambiguous Moth |
March 10:
White Spring Moth (Lomographa vestaliata) --
White Spring Moth |
Signate Melanolophia (Melanolophia signataria) --
Signate Melanolophia |
March 16:
(?) Sociable Renia Moth (Renia factiosalis) -- Another possibility might be Florida Tetanolita?
tentative i.d.: Sociable Renia |
tentative i.d.: Sociable Renia |
Mint-loving Pyrausta (Pyrausta acrionalis) --
Mint-loving Pyrausta |
Mint-loving Pyrausta |
March 17:
Black Bit Moth (Celiptera frustulum) -- Really weird-looking in person! This one plopped down beside me on a windy day.
Black Bit Moth |
Black Bit Moth |
Black Bit Moth |
Four-spotted Fungus Moth (Metalectra quadrisignata) -- 3/19
Four-spotted Fungus Moth |
Gray Looper Moth (Rachiplusia ou) --
Gray Looper Moth |
Gray Looper Moth |
"Grape Leaffolder Moth" (Desmia funeralis/maculalis) -- 3/24 (La Salle Parish), 3/30 (Grant Parish), 4/8 (Evangeline Parish), 4/ (La Salle Parish), other dates
Desmia funeralis/maculalis -- These two species are practically identical and typically can't be told apart with confidence using photos. |
ventral view of a Desmia funeralis/maculalis -- 4/13 |
Three-spotted Nola Moth (Nola triquetrana) --
Three-spotted Nola Moth |
March 18:
Variable Sallow (Sericaglaea signata) --
Variable Sallow |
Variable Sallow |
Light Marathyssa (Marathyssa basalis) --
Light Marathyssa |
March 20:
Many-lined Carpet (Anticlea multiferata) 2 --
Many-lined Carpet |
Faint-spotted Palthis (Palthis asopialis) --
Faint-spotted Palthis, photo taken through window |
Salvinia Stem-borer Moth (Samea multiplicalis) -- also on other dates, I believe
Salvinia Stem-borer Moth |
March 21:
(?)Canadian Melanolophia Moth (Melanolophia canadaria) --
tentative i.d.: Canadian Melanolophia ....named Rusty |
Yellow-spotted Webworm Moth (Anageshna primordialis) --
Yellow-spotted Webworm Moth -- they were abundant this spring. |
March 23:
Lettered Sphinx (Deidamia inscriptum) --
Lettered Sphinx |
Cross-lined Waved (Timandra amaturaria) -- Catahoula NWR - common at this locale on later dates as well
Cross-lined Waved |
March 24:
Distinguished Colymychus Moth (Colomychus talis) --
Distinguished Colymychus |
Distinguished Colymychus -- colorful but shy |
Bent-line Carpet (Costaconvexa centrostrigaria) --
Bent-line Carpet |
Bent-line Carpet |
March 25:
Samea baccatalis -- 4/8
Samea baccatalis, 4/8 |
March 27:
Sciota rubrisparsella --
Originally when I did this post, I was unsure if it was S. rubrisparsella or S. celtidella, but it has since been confirmed to be S. rubrisparsella. (edited: 6/29/17) |
March 30, Grant Parish: see
this previous post for more on observations from this location and date
Confused Eusarca (Eusarca confusaria) --
Confused Eusarca |
Eastern Grass-Veneer (Crambus laqueatellus) -- 4/8 (Evangeline Parish)
Eastern Grass-veneer -- Evangeline Parish, 4/8 |
March 30, back to La Salle Parish...:
Green Cloverworm Moth (Hypena scabra) --
Green Cloverworm Moth |
March 31:
Black-bordered Lemon Moth (Marimatha nigrofimbria) --
Black-bordered Lemon Moth |
April 8, Evangeline Parish:
Speckled Renia (Renia adspergillus) --
Speckled Renia |
April 9, back in La Salle Parish...:
Spotted Phosphila Moth (Phosphila miselioides) --
Spotted Phosphila Moth |
Spotted Phosphila Moth |
Plebeian Sphinx Moth (Paratrea plebeja) --
Plebeian Sphinx |
Plebeian Sphinx |
April 10:
Black-dotted Hemeroplanis (Hemeroplanis habitalis) -- I found this dead individual on the floor just inside the carport door. I suspect it fell from the grill of a vehicle. I have seen this species alive around here in the past.
dead Black-dotted Hemeroplanis |
April 12:
Tersa Sphinx Moth (Xylophanes tersa) --
Tersa Sphinx |
Tersa Sphinx |
Tersa Sphinx |
Baccharis Borer Plume Moth (Hellinsia balanotes) -- 4/13
Baccharis Borer Plume Moth |
April 14:
Pearly Wood-nymph (Eudryas unio) --
cell phone photo taken out front of the Jena Walmart |
April 20:
Large Lace-Border (Scopula limboundata) -- 4/22 on Catahoula NWR Headquarters Unit, La Salle Parish
tentative i.d.: Large Lace-Border, 4/20 |
April 22, Lychnosea intermicata (Catahoula NWR HQ Unit, La Salle Parish):
Very poor quality photos, but a very familiar species and common at this location
April 29:
Great Leopard Moth (Hypercompe scribonia) -- 4/30 - This one was found on a driveway beside a building on a windy day. It was picked up and placed in a safe, elevated spot. The yellowish droplets are apparently secreted for defense when the moth is threatened.
Great Leopard Moth |
Great Leopard Moth -- showing some of the colorful blue and orange abdomen |
Great Leopard Moth |
April 30, Catahoula NWR Headquarters Unit:
Thin-lined Owlet Moth (Isogona tenuis) --
Thin-lined Owlet |
Moonseed Moth (Plusiodonta compressipalpis) --
Moonseed Moth -- I wish the photos were clearer - I think this is a fascinating-looking moth. |
Part 2, mostly on May and June moths, to be posted around end of June or early July.